Listening to confraternities international conference, Barcelona, 27-29 September 2022

Download the full program here.

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Concert “La Barcelona Daurada”, 13 April 2022



Responsoris de Tenebres T.L Victoria
Música de passió de Santa Maria del Pi dels segles XVII-XVIII

13 d’abril 20.00h.

Capella de la Santa Espina

Miriam Trias (soprano)
Martí Pàmies (contratenor)
Alberto Palacios (tenor)
Miguel Callejas (barítono & cornetto) Javier Caruda (bajón)
Jaime González-Sierra (órgano)

Entrada lliure. L’accès a la Basílica passarà les mesures preventives de la COVID i l’aforament tindrà en compte la normativa de les autoritats sanitàries.

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Workshop The Contribution of Confraternities and Guilds to the Urban Soundscape in the Iberian Peninsula, c.1400–c.1700, 13-14 April 2022


The Contribution of Confraternities and Guilds to the Urban Soundscape in the Iberian Peninsula, c.1400–c.1700

Taller 2/ Workshop 2

‘La contribución de las cofradías al paisaje sonoro de Semana Santa’

‘The contribution of confraternities to the soundscape of Holy Week’

Miércoles 13 de abril de 2022

10.00-13.00hh                                      Arxiu de Santa Maria del Pi

Keynote:        Noel O’Regan (University of Edinburgh)


El debate se enfocará en las actividades de las cofradías penitenciales y sus actividades musicales en Italia, España, Portugal y el Sacro Imperio.

Discussion will focus on penitential confraternities and their musical activities in Italy, Spain, Portugal and the Holy Roman Empire.

16.30-19.00                                                        Santa Maria del Pi

En la iglesia parroquial de Santa Maria del Pi consultaremos documentos sobre las cofradías de la Purissima Sang y Santa Espina y visitaremos sus capillas en la iglesia con el archivero Jordi Sacasas.

In the parish church of Santa Maria del Pi we will study documents concerning the confraternities of the Most Pure Blood and the Holy Thorn, and visit their chapels in the church with the archivist Jordi Sacasas.

19.30-20.30                                                        Santa Maria del Pi

Concierto de la Capella de la Santa Espina en la iglesia de Santa Maria del Pi: Música para Semana Santa en Santa Maria del Pi, 1600-1700: obras de Victoria, Pujol y otros.

Concert by the Capella de la Santa Espina in the church of Santa Maria del Pi: Music for Holy Week in Santa Maria del Pi, 1600-1700: works by Victoria, Pujol and others.

Jueves 14 de abril de 2022

10.00-13.00hh                                      Arxiu de Santa Maria del Pi

Keynotes:       Alberto Martín Márquez (Archivero del Ayuntamiento de Zamora) y Cristina Diego Pacheco (Université de Lorraine)


El debate se enfocará en aspectos del paisaje sonoro penitencial, tomando los casos de Zamora y Valladolid como punto de partida.

Discussion will focus on aspects of the penitential soundscape, taking case-studies of Zamora and Valladolid as a starting-point.

Para asistir, virtual o presencialmente, simplemente contactar con: Tess Knighton (

Este taller forma parte del proyecto de investigación La contribución de las cofradías y gremios al paisaje sonoro urbano en la Península Ibérica,  c.1400–c. 1700, PID2019-109422GB-100. I+D+i – PGC Tipo B, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

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I Encontro Sons da História: Paisagens e Cartografias sonoras na Ibéria Pós-Tridentina, 18 March 2022


9:30 – Abertura

9:45 – Juan Ruiz Jiménez (Universidad de Granada) – Proyectos cartográficos: un paso más en el desarrollo de la plataforma digital Paisajes Sonoros Históricos.

10:30 – Luís Henriques (CESEM – Universidade de Évora) – A paisagem sonora de Angra no final do século XVI.

11:15 – Tess Knighton (ICREA – Universitat Atònoma de Barcelona) – Confraternities and Music Patronage in Early-Modern Barcelona.

12:00 – Debate 

12:30 – Almoço libre

14:30 – Pilar Ramos (Universidad de La Rioja) – Sobre la práctica musical de las mujeres de los siglos XVI y XVII en Castilla y Aragón.

15:15 – Antónia Fialho Conde – (Universidade do Évora – CIDEHUS) – Clausura e prática musical feminina em Évora no período moderno.

16:00 – Verónica Zaragoza (Universitat de València) / Mercè Gras Casanovas (Arxiu dels carmelites descalços de Catalunya i Balears) – “Cantad, tañed y danzad / que todo lo pide el día”. Usos musicales y poéticos para la liturgia y las tradiciones festivas del Carmelo Descalzo femenino ibérico en la Edad Moderna

16:45 – Debate

17: 15 – Encerramento das sessões

18:30 Concerto a cargo do Quarteto Portus Cale.

Sala da Biblioteca antiga – Reitoria da Universidade do Porto

(Evento realizado em regime misto (virtual/presencial)

Link Zoom:

Full information

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Research seminar: Un reino de sensaciones Escenarios sensoriales y comunicación en el mundo hispánico (siglos XV-XVII), 3-4 March 2022

Presentación de PowerPoint

Empire of the Senses. Sensorial Contexts and Communication in the Iberian World (15th to 17th Centuries).

History of the senses and sensibilities has attempted to analyse the influences that determined sensory perceptions and their corresponding emotional response. The ways in which people reacted to sensory stimuli had repercussions both in their individual conduct and in collective situations. The aim of this meeting is to explore the relationship between sensory experiences and political practices in the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries.

The Tridentine decree on images (1563) – which might well be considered a decree regarding the senses – was one of the most explicit theoretical formulations as regards the communicative possibilities afforded by the impact of the senses. This declaration has often been taken as a point of departure for its influence on the creative imagination of absolute monarchies when, in fact, it built on an earlier well-established tradition. Visual representation, sonic or olfactory impressions or haptic and gustatory experiences had, from the early Middle Ages, been an established means by which rulers of various kinds conveyed messages that consolidated their authority.

The enactment of sensorial events as a means of communication became still more frequent as the formation of extensive political systems resulting from conquests and territorial expansion increased the complexity of the relationship between rulers and ruled. In the first centuries of the early modern period this need became especially pressing for the Iberian monarchies of global reach, diverse territories and heterogenous political traditions.

Through ritual, representation and material objects of various kinds, the rulers of these monarchies sought to engage the sensibilities of their subjects in order to create an emotional link that would make them susceptible to messages intended to strengthen the bonding process with power. Shape and colour, sound, scent, taste and texture were combined in a melting-pot of sensory elements through which they acquired specific political meanings.

Although our main focus will be territories under Spanish rule, we also wish to explore the relationship between sensorial experiences and practices in other geographical areas and other contexts – local, ecclesiastical or social – in order to establish a comparative perspective and to trace the flux of political practices and cultural manifestations.

Download the full program here.

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700 anys de la processó de Corpus a Barcelona

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July’s conference presentations

5 July 2021, 17hh (CET)

Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita, ‘Musical legacies from aunt to niece in early modern Barcelonan nunneries: personal plainchant notebooks for singing in cloister processions’. Paper at the International Conference Women and Music in the Early Modern Age, organised by Divino Sospiro – Centro de Estudos Musicais Setecentistas de Portugal, Queluz National Palace (Portugal), 2-4 July 2021.

6 July 2021, 9hh (CET)

Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita, ‘Confraternities as an interface between citizens and convent musical ceremonial in sixteenth-century Barcelona’. Paper at the theme session ‘The Contribution of Confraternities and Guilds to the Urban Soundscape in the Iberian Peninsula, c.1400-c.1700’, coordinated by Tess Knighton, at the Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, organised by CESEM–Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music and hosted by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, 5-9 July 2021. Live streaming.

7 July 2021, 17hh (CET)

Tess Knighton, ’The Soundscape of Parish Churches in Early Modern Spain’. Keynote lecture, 49th Conference of Medieval and Renaissance Music, Universidade Nova, Lisboa.

9 July 2021, 1pm (CET)

Tess Knighton, ’The Soundscape of a Parish Church in Early Modern Barcelona’. Conference: Soundscapes of the Early Modern World, part of the Early Modern Soundscapes AHRC project based at the University of York.

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Tess Knighton, ‘La contribución de una cofradía a la vida musical cotidiana de Barcelona, 1485-1634’, 22 May 2021

III Congreso Internacional MedyRen 2021: Reflexiones musicológicas en la Península Ibérica hasta c.1650, 21-22 May 2021

Tess Knighton, ‘La contribución de una cofradía a la vida musical cotidiana de Barcelona, 1485-1634’, 22 May 2021, 4pm

See the full programme.

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Tess Knighton, “Black African Musicians: Sounding Status in Early Modern Spain and Portugal”, Sound Politics: Somatics and Semantics in the Early Modern World, 8 May 2021

Early Modern Iberian Voices 2020-2021

Seminar Leaders:
Natalia Pérez, University of Southern California
Sherry Velasco, University of Southern California
Sonia Velázquez, Indiana University

Sound Politics: Somatics and Semantics in the Early Modern World

Saturday, May 8, 2021
Online Zoom Event
9:00 am – 12:15 pm PDT

Register via Zoom by 12 noon, Friday, May 7, 2021, to receive pre-circulated materials for this event.

Sir Barry Ife 
Research Professor, Guildhall School of Music & Drama
Cervantes Professor Emeritus, King’s College London

“When Don Quixote starts to sing, what are we supposed to hear?”

Steve Hutchinson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Paul Michael Johnson, Depauw University
Mercedes Alcalá Galán, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Tess Knighton
Research Professor, Institut Català de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona

“Black African Musicians: Sounding Status in Early Modern Spain and Portugal”

Edwin Hill, USC
Luis Avilés, UC Irvine
Erin Rowe, Johns Hopkins

Sarah Finley
Assistant Professor, Dept of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Christopher Newport University

“Listening to Race in Sor Juana’s villancicos de negros: Urban Soundscapes and the Auditory Imagination?”

Emilie Bergmann, UC Berkeley
Mary Quinn, University of New Mexico
Roberto Diaz, USC

Kate van Orden
Dwight P. Robinson Jr. Professor of Music Historical Musicology
Department of Music
Harvard University

“France and Spain in Rome circa 1580: National Churches and the Performance of Corporate Identity “

Lisa Pon, USC
Adam Gilbert, USC
Samantha Bassler, NYU

Full information:

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“Paisatges sonors i noves tecnologies”, 9 December 2019, 10am, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Jornada d’estudis Doctorals en Musicología
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Sala d’actes Frederic Udina (B7/1056)

10.00: Tess Knighton, ‘El paisaje sonoro: entre musicologia urbana y sound studies’
11.00: Juan Ruiz Jiménez, ‘Paisajes Sonoros Históricos: gestación, presente y futuro de una plataforma digital
12.00: Discussion

More information

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